Mission statement of Windel GmbH & Co. KG

"It is the enjoyment of innovation and progress, the trust in our employees and the reliability of our actions, that distinguish us as a family business."

Fred Windel, CEO

We are the Windel Group: 600 people in five companies working together to add more happiness, enjoyment and diversity to life. The history of the family-run group of companies dates back to the year 1900. Since then, what started out as a regional confectionery business has grown into an internationally operating group pursuing its mission with its chocolate, coffee, and sweet gifts the world over. With innovative concepts and a focus on long-term cooperation, we are continuing to tread this path. We follow these guiding principles:


Our company's success is based on the development, production and distribution of creative gift items. For this purpose, we combine products of the most different kind, for example high-quality chocolate items with lovable products of our everyday life.

The quality of our products decides on the acceptance by the consumer and is therefore the top priority of our actions. It is the result of the innovative and professional performance of the individual, the skilled work in the team, the economic and technical possibilities and the grown corporate culture. Together, we work to create the conditions for the highest quality on a daily basis.


Responsibility for sustainable action is an obligation for every individual, for organizations, for countries and, of course, for us as a company. Our corporate goals in terms of environmental, economic and social aspects are based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Our focus is on the environmental impact and working conditions along the value chain, sustainable packaging, measures to save energy and generate our own electricity from renewable sources, as well as occupational health management. We have formulated quantitative targets for these areas that guide our actions and make our progress transparent.

Through our social and cultural commitment at regional, national and international level, we support and strengthen committed individuals, groups and organizations. In doing so, we consider it our social obligation to support not only subjects depicted by the media, but a wide range of worthy causes.

We encourage our employees to take responsibility for their actions, to take the initiative and to independently obtain all necessary information for decision-making, to use their own knowledge and judgment. In teamwork, the sense of responsibility and one's own strengths must be expressed in order to achieve the common goals - always taking into account the imperative of constructive and respectful cooperation.

Our selection of personnel is based on a positive view of people in which we have confidence. We look for responsible people who are qualified for their jobs. It goes without saying that those who shape things must develop their own personal initiative as well as their operational skills. For the latter, we derive what is needed by conducting regular feedback meetings.


We count efficiency among our strengths. We need it to be competitive. The clear organizational structure and processes in the company distinguish us and guide our decisions.

It is a daily challenge to organize our human, technical and financial resources so that they are maximally productive. Small improvements contribute to this just as much as big ideas for change.

We leave a large part of the profits in the company to safeguard it with a high level of equity and to enable further growth.


In negotiations with our suppliers and trading partners, we ensure a fair balance of purchase and delivery terms. Mutual services must be in balance. For us, the principle of fairness includes striving for long-term relationships with our partners in order to develop together.

We value our employees for their performance, knowledge, experience, talents and creativity. In recognition, we provide appropriate and fair pay, as well as many other benefits and offers.

We have always been committed to good cooperation at all levels of our company, between employees, in teams and departments, and in our relationships with managers. Our open and positive corporate culture is based on mutual respect, recognition of performance, transparent communication and a good feedback culture. In addition, we are concerned with creating attractive jobs, enhancing the quality of life and promoting the health of individuals. We are convinced that good and outstanding performance can only come about in such an environment.

Knowing that different needs may arise depending on age, stage of life and interests, we want to take these into account according to our capabilities, whether in terms of work model or career option.

In any case, reliability in action is one of our basic principles in business dealings and part of our fairness precept.


We are a traditional family business whose success has been based on free decision-making for generations. Thereby, we act independently of any business partners, interest groups, state or municipal institutions that are in any way related to us. We maintain good relations with these groups in order to act in the common interest.

A company of the Windel Group