What we want to achieve
Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate strategy. We have defined clear sustainability goals in order to make our business model future-proof in the long term and to be as transparent as possible to our stakeholders. In doing so, we consider the topic holistically in three dimensions – environment, economy and social affairs:
Target 2023-2024:
By the end of 2024, we will have reduced our electricity consumption by 55 % by continuing to use energy-efficient lighting (e.g. LEDs and motion/presence detectors) at the production sites (Plant 1 and Plant 3), from 142,000 kW/h to approximately 65,000 kW/h per year. This results in an annual saving of 20.7 t CO². In addition, we will contribute both green electricity and our own sustainable energy generation at all locations by 2025 (e.g. by installing photovoltaic systems).
Target achievement 2024:
In 2024, we were able to complete the replacement of our previous lighting with energy-efficient LEDs in two plants and the administration building. We will be able to measure the actual energy savings from the end of 2025. In addition, energy contracts were concluded for all locations with green electricity from environmentally friendly hydroelectric power plants for the following years.
Target 2025:
We are completing the installation of our PV system and will use approximately 150,000 kWh of self-generated electricity from our photovoltaic system in Plant 1 from 2025. The system is expected to save 122,628 kg of CO² per year. In addition, measures in the field of electromobility will be implemented.
Target 2023-2025:
Through regular surveys of our suppliers, we will create complete transparency in the value chain by the end of 2025. In countries outside the EU, Great Britain and the EFTA countries, we are increasing cooperation with suppliers (turnover > 0.3 % of purchasing volume) who are certified according to a recognised social standard (e.g. BSCI/Sedex) from 97 % to 100 %. In addition, we enter into a dialogue with our suppliers and provide feedback on the results of the supplier survey.
Current status 2024:
Currently, 97 % of our suppliers are still certified according to the above criteria. Through a constant exchange with our suppliers, the target of 100 % is expected to be achieved in the summer of 2025.
Target 2023-2025:
We attach great importance to the health of our employees. That is why we would like to increase participation in occupational health promotion measures by target group-specific offers (e.g. Health Day) from 35 % to 50 % of employees by the end of 2025.
Current status 2024:
We are very pleased that more than half of our employees took part in our occupational health promotion offers in 2024.
Target 2025:
Through further target group-oriented offers, we would like to achieve a participation rate of over 50 % in occupational health promotion measures in the coming year.

We are guided by the UN's SDGs.
We have always supported the sustainability goal of gender equality by working for equal participation and equal opportunities for all employees. We promote full participation in leadership positions and decision-making processes, in particular by supporting women in leadership roles. We guarantee the same right to economic resources, property and financial services by paying gender-independent salaries. In addition, we implement measures to end discrimination against women and girls, in particular through the BSCI certification of our suppliers, in order to ensure gender equality along the entire value chain.

We drive technological modernisation and innovation, paying particular attention to sustainable management. We achieve this through efficient use of resources and the consideration of social components along our entire value chain. We promote our sustainable, entrepreneurial growth by expanding our business model and creating new jobs. As a family business with tradition, we offer secure jobs, flexible working hours and various working time models. We are a training company in various areas and work with amfori BSCI-certified suppliers to comply with social standards along the value chain.
We align our production and consumption with fundamental principles to reduce waste, save energy and use resources responsibly. We use certified raw materials (Rainforest, RSPO, organic, Fairtrade) and manufacture exclusively for orders. We minimise our ecological footprint through waste separation and recycling as well as load optimisation for maximum truck utilisation. We support the community by donating to the Osnabrücker Tafel and regional kindergartens. Our suppliers are also evaluated and developed from a sustainability point of view. In addition, we raise awareness among our employees through training on sustainability.